Summer Specials 2023!

by | Jun 23, 2023 | Blog

Happy Summer Solstice! To usher in the warm and peaceful energies of summer, I would like to offer $50-50% off of some of my best-selling services! I would also like to introduce my new offering…The Traveling Shaman.

Ooooohhhhh, so much has happened since May!

I hosted my very first Shamanic Soul Retreat in the beginning of June at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs in the beautiful mountains of Colorado.

It was nothing short of MAGICAL!

And, I absolutely fell back IN LOVE with doing IN PERSON Shamanic Healings!

During my weekend retreat, I guided the ladies on Shamanic Journeys and offered individual healing sessions.

We also DANCED.

I introduced my retreat group to Shamanic Trance Dance. Most of the participants were hesitant at first…but then something incredible happened…

The women started to release DECADES of trauma energy and stored emotions trapped in their bodies…before we knew it, people were crying, screaming, sighing, laughing and just LETTING GO of all they had held so tightly onto…

After doing IN PERSON healing at my retreat, Spirit guided me to create a brand new service: The Traveling Shaman.

I am being called to travel to clients all over the country to offer 1 or 2 day healing events.

Until I have my log cabin in the mountains to bring clients to me, I will travel to YOU and we will customize your healing experience.

These IN PERSON healing events might include: Energy Coaching, Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Journeying, Chakra Balancing, Past Life Regression, Shamanic Trance Dance, Psychic Readings & MORE!

Just as the seasons have changed…so have my energies and intentions. I am creating new ADVENTURES in my life and I hope to bring this curious and FEARLESS energy to YOU!

Whether I see you in the Spirit realms in one of my ‘distance’ Shamanic Reiki sessions, on Zoom during a Live Energy Reading, at my next Retreat or IN PERSON in your neck of the woods as The Traveling Shaman…I wish you the most wonderful Summer!

Please find some of my Summer Solstice discounted prices below!


Shamanic Soul Coaching’s Healing Services:


1.) $50 OFF: Distance Shamanic Reiki Sessions: Are you a busy woman and can never find the time to go to scheduled appointments? Great! Sarah’s got you covered! Sarah’s Distance Shamanic Reiki Sessions would be perfect for you. Why? You don’t need to do ANYTHING. Sarah completes your session within 24-48 hours after your scheduled time by journeying to the Spirit realms with your Soul. In these altered dimensions, Sarah offers you the highest vibration of Shamanic Reiki energy which simultaneously helps to heal your current physical mind/body/soul. Sarah records everything that she ‘sees’, ‘feels’ and ‘hears’ during your session on an AUDIO RECORDING. She will send you this audio recorded file via Google Drive immediately afterwards. These sessions are NOT COMPLETED on the phone, via Zoom or in person. These sessions are Sarah’s NICHE! She has been journeying to the Spirit world for 31 years and is able to connect you to your Spirit Guides, balance your Energy Field (Chakra System) and share sacred messages from your guides and deceased loved ones. To get $50 OFF a powerful ‘Distance’ Shamanic Reiki Session, CLICK HERE!

2.) 50% OFF: Shamanic Soul Group Coaching Membership: Already a client and feel like doing your healing work ALONE isn’t working for you anymore? Do you need more support? Please check out Sarah Norwood’s Shamanic Soul Group Coaching Membership! This group is sacred to Sarah. The women in this group are doing life-altering energy healing work every day. This helps them to become unstuck and manifest a life filled with health and happiness! Trauma happens in isolation. Healing happens in CONNECTION! CLICK HERE to take advantage of joining this amazing group of women at 50% OFF!

3.) $50 OFF: Live ZOOM Energy Readings: Need LIVE HEALING? Do you feel more comfortable working face to face? Then, Sarah’s Live Zoom Energy Readings would be perfect for you! Sarah will meet you on ZOOM and offer you all the same benefits of her ‘Distance Shamanic Reiki Sessions’…but, she will do it in REAL TIME…with YOU! CLICK HERE Book a Live Energy Reading  today and get $50 OFF!

4.) NEW SERVICE: 1 on 1 Monthly Intensive with Sarah: Need more intensive 1 on 1 attention and guidance? Sarah is so happy to offer her brand NEW SERVICE! In her 1 on 1 Monthly Intensive program, Sarah gives you access to high vibrational energies, personalized attention and her expertise for one solid month! If you want MASSIVE CHANGE in your life…this is the service for you! CLICK HERE to learn more!

5.) NEW SERVICE: The Traveling Shaman! Sarah is ready to come spend 1 or 2 days in your neck of the woods! Experience profound IN PERSON healing in a private 1 on 1 setting. CLICK HERE to learn more!

6.) NEW OFFERING: Shamanic Soul Retreats


7.) PRODUCT: Introduction to Energy Healing eCourseNot ready to work with Sarah, but would like to establish your own meditative practice and learn how to balance and protect your own energies? Sarah made her mini introduction to Energy Healing eCourse affordable to all! This is because your daily Energy Healing practice is more important than anything else! To access Sarah’s $8 ecourse, CLICK HERE!

Hope to see you in one of my healing session offerings, at my next Shamanic Soul Retreat or at YOUR HOME during a personalized healing event!If you have ANY questions regarding my services/retreat/product, feel free to email me at:

In light and darkness always,


Shamanic Soul Coaching