Fall 2023 Newsletter

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Blog

Happy Fall!

The beginning of Fall invites us to exhale…to let go of the business of Summer and to open to a new kind of warmth.

One filled with hot apple cider, pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters and plenty of scarves.

It is not a time to rush through life.

It is a time to slow down, look up and witness nature in all its glory.

Fall teaches us to embrace change…and, little did I know just how important this concept would mean to me this year.

As many of my long-time clients have known, I have struggled with rare auto-immune disorders (and other unexplainable symptoms) over the years.

Since I always see physical illness from a spiritual standpoint, I was blaming my various ailments on unhealed trauma energy that was stored in my body.

While some of my symptoms may have been indeed from unhealed emotional energies, an unexpected diagnosis recently came to light.

Two months ago my doctor ordered a spinal MRI after I had several falls, weakness on my left side, numbness and tingling in my hands/feet, low back pain and equilibrium imbalances.

Surprisingly, four cysts growing out of my sacral nerves were discovered on the images.

Apparently, these cysts are called Tarlov cysts and can lead to Tarlov Cyst Disease.

What was even more interesting was that so many of my physical symptoms over the years could be attributed to the cysts that I didn’t even know where hiding in my sacrum. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Shortly after this, I learned that symptomatic Tarlov cysts are rare…even rarer are the neurosurgeons that operate on them.

There are only 3 neurosurgeons in the USA that attempt this complex surgery on Tarlov Cysts…and, only 10 surgeons in the entire world!!

Yes, I said 10 in the ENTIRE WORLD!

Well, OF COURSE THERE IS! That makes perfect sense, hahah!


Because my whole life has been jam-packed with ONE IN A MILLION experiences!

Long story short, I chose the Sacramento, CA surgeon to do my specialized surgery. It is scheduled for January 9th 2024.

What does this mean for my clients?

*I will be pausing my Shamanic Soul Coaching business from January 1st to March 1st. This will give me 2 full months to recover. If you want a healing session, please schedule before the end of December 2023!*

What will I be offering instead?


I broke down my 12 week Advanced (Shamanic) Energy Healing eCourse into three, self-paced (online) eCourses!

I am so passionate about offering affordable ways to help my clients create their very own Energy Healing practices…or to learn how to become their very own Shaman that I am pricing these eCourses from $7-$177!

If I can help even one person learn how to heal their energy, to heal their whole life…I have done my job!

So here’s to GOOD HEALTH and GREAT ENERGY this Fall 2023!




1.) eCourses

Since Sarah will be pausing her business January and February of 2024 to have major surgery, she still wanted to offer her clients/students a way to start (or continue) their Energy Healing practices. Sarah’s mission is to offer affordable ways for as many people as possible to learn about the powerful healing modalities of Shamanism and traditional Energy Healing. CLICK HERE to learn more!

2.) Shamanic Soul Group Coaching Membership

My Shamanic Soul Group Coaching Membership is only $177 for a limited time ($1,000 OFF) with a monthly subscription of $77! Group healing is POWERFUL. This exclusive membership includes an ADVANCED 12 Week Shamanic Energy Healing eCourse with potential for CERTIFICATION and bi-weekly GROUP COACHING with Sarah. By joining this sacred group, you will learn how to balance your chakras, repair your aura, journey to the Spirit world, meet your Spirit guides, protect your energy, heal your trauma and emotional energy, break toxic cycles, learn if you have Soul loss and how to perform a Soul Retrieval, how to safely explore past lives and cleanse your karma and so much more! This monthly Soul Sisters subscription also offers you BIG SAVINGS on single Distance Shamanic Reiki sessions and so much more!

(In order to be eligible for my group, you will have had to experience at least ONE of my single Distance Shamanic Reiki Sessions to ensure that we are a good fit! Click HERE to book your healing session today!)


To learn about all of the other Shamanic Soul Coaching’s Services & Products, please click here: www.shamanicsoulcoaching.com

Questions? Please feel free to email me here: sarah@shamanicsoulcoaching.comEnergy Healing can help you heal at a Soul level. It can help you heal any part of yourself…or your life.

This is why my motto is: Heal Your Energy to Heal Your Life!


You can heal the world!

Hope to see you in Spirit or in one of my eCourses this Fall!Love & Gratitude,